Statement regarding “end of the road” for Our Flag Means Death

Save OFMD Crew respond to show creator David Jenkins’ Instagram post.

Like our inimitable captain Stede Bonnet, we aren’t ready to give up just yet.

We are devastated by the news from David Jenkins that attempts to find an alternative home for Our Flag Means Death have "reached the end of the road", but we want to keep fighting—not just for Our Flag Means Death, but for all the shows cancelled before their time. Shows that people put their heart and soul into. Shows that create life-changing experiences for their fans.

This battle was always about more than Our Flag Means Death. At a time when networks are throwing away quality original content to focus on remakes, reboots, and spin-offs, we want to shout about why media like Our Flag Means Death matters.

This show has changed the way people think and the way people feel about themselves. It’s been transformative in its depiction of underrepresented groups, including LGBTQ+ people, BIPOC, neurodivergent and disabled people, and its cancellation is part of a larger attack on queer media. Max is not alone in their continued rejection of the shows their queer viewers are watching.

TV is changing and it’s no longer about making great content. It’s all about lining the pockets of the people at the top. While we watch the industry tear itself apart, we call for people to add their voices to the crowd. Beware: your favourite show could be next.

Save OFMD Crewmember and billboard organiser Erin Ekins says: "Our billboard in Leicester Square will go ahead as planned, as a celebration of the show and everything it means to us. We are calling on fans to gather, as planned, at the Vue Cinema in Leicester Square at 6pm on Monday 11 March, to celebrate Our Flag Means Death and stand up for all the marginalised stories that are being cut short.

“As Izzy Hands said, 'It's not about glory. It's not about getting what you want. It's about belonging to something when the world has told you you're nothing'."


‘Save Our Flag Means Death’ billboard goes live in Leicester Square


Press release: Our Flag Means Death fans to bring campaign to save show to the U.K. with London billboard