Apology - RE: our week 2 #NeverLeft CTA post

Yesterday SaveOFMD Crew released a post detailing our Week 2 Never Left CTAs. One of these CTAs includes sending emails to various Warner Bros. Discovery addresses, and as part of this CTA we suggested sending large attachments, such as "explicit podfic."

The aim was never to have employees listen to or watch any attached files, but rather to send large attachments to slow down their servers. The plan was also for people to send their own work. However, that was not what our post conveyed. We should have never suggested sending explicit material to begin with. Moreover, the entire idea of sending large attachments went completely against the spirit of polite menacing that we aim to encourage. It was a huge oversight, and our fellow fans rightfully called us out on it.

We would like to apologise to the fandom at large, but particularly to podfic artists, for whom our bad messaging has led to distress.

We are going to hit pause on all but our charity posting while we review our communications and approval process, including how we get weigh-in from all members of our server on the details of future efforts, and put other steps in place to prevent such errors in judgement from seeing the light of day in the future.


SaveOFMD Crew would like to offer our unreserved apologies.


A charity auction by the Fiber Arts Brigade